Monday, August 18, 2014

Teaching (or learning) Interest Group Politics? You need this App!

Ran into this site, SpendConsciously ,while trolling the Internet.  If you are teaching (or learning) about interest group politics this site has a REALLY fun and interesting App. It is called "BuyPartisan".  I downloaded on my Smartphone for "free".

Using your phone you can scan the bar code on a product, and if they have the company in their database, it will return to you the proportion of dollars this company donates to the major political parties (and "others").

Spent some time doing this to items in my pantry.

I think it might slow down my shopping trips as I use this in stores. Knowledge is power, or so I have heard.


  1. I was so excited to get this, but it seems that it must only be in the apple app store, and not the google play store. Bummer!

  2. Oh, no! I did not notice that. Yes, hopefully it will be available soon. I used it about 50 times today. Too much fun! :)


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